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A drop of quicksilver, the historic name for mercury.
and “Cape Town” equates to the colour of the clear blue skies and oceans at the tip of Africa, the meeting place for experts to share global Hg matters.
the warm Agulhas & cold Benguela currents, with directional flows from north to south and south to north, respectively, which also signifies the “north-south-north interactions” of the mercury legacy of the conference in Cape Town.
the location of the Global Atmospheric Watch Station at Cape Point where mercury is measured, and where tourists mistakenly think the “two oceans meet”.
Hg the element symbol for mercury is placed in the ocean, as the ocean is a sink for this ubiquitous trace metal.
Hg, “ICMGP” and “2024” represents the colour of quicksilver / mercury, for the conference to be held in 2024.